Influencer/Referral Loyalty Programs

Influencers are active brand advocates who speak for your brand to every remote user at one end of the world. A trustworthy influencer could improve brand credibility by manifolds; hence, tailoring an influencer loyalty program with special incentives and reward programs could help businesses gain more traction across every channel.

referral influencers

Features and benefits

Influencers can help brands get an idea about how customers think and how trends change with varying customer attitudes and behavior.

Through kith and kin

Through kith and kin

There is no better referral than word of mouth. When a product or service is referred to you by a friend or a relative or someone closer to you, you tend to be influenced more and take the reference into account.

Expand customer base and brand network

Expand customer base and brand network

When new influencers are connected with the brand, the chances of getting connected with newer audiences and their more comprehensive network is high. This could help brands improve their customer base to newer demographics.



Foster relationships and reward customers who bring in new shoppers to your store. Acknowledge their contributions and make them feel that they are integral to your success and the business itself.

Monitor Influencer activities

Monitor Influencer activities

Influencers while associating with a brand receive unique and seamless shareable links through which companies can track down whom to reward and how.

Influencer/Referral loyalty examples

Treating your influencers and brand advocates with ‘something special’ is always a great idea through which your brand could be driven to newer dimensions. Special discounts, freebies, services exclusive for influencers, etc are a great way to keep influencers motivated.

The program is ideal for the fashion, hospitality, beauty, health, and fitness industries

lifestyle loyalty

How can the influencer/referral loyalty program benefit your business?

Besides what is seen on the internet, recommendations from someone closer to you are a gentle push to encourage purchases from a particular brand. This basic logic can be leveraged to use influencer/referral loyalty programs in your business.

Build brand credibility

Build brand credibility

When you can identify happy customers who could be your potential brand advocates or influencers, you could incentivize them with extra credits, coupons, or bonuses for, spreading the word among their peers and followers on various social media platforms. This could increase the brand’s identity to bring in more potential customers.

Increase customer lifetime value

Increase customer lifetime value

With increased brand identity, it would be easier to enhance customer retention and increase customer lifetime value. In the long run, this would add value to the brand consistently through frequent purchases and more visits to the brand’s online and offline stores.

Speak your customer’s language

Speak your customer’s language

When your brand advocates who know their audiences’ pulse speak in their tone and timbre, customers tend to stick to the brand more strongly and add more value to the brand with their feedback and ideas.

Speak to your customers through your brand advocates to build stronger bonds through an influencer/referral loyalty program